EduCare Foundation Book Donation - Project 2023
What makes the outcomes of business achievements inspiring? Some may agree on how well business strategies worked out, while others may attribute it to the exponential growth during a particular financial year.
But at BVS we’d like to think it is the combination of business success and the philosophy of charity, which we call CSR.
Continuing our outreach to assist the underprivileged, BVS is proud to be associated with Educare. Educare is a non-profit organization that identifies marginalized and underprivileged communities that require much-needed assistance. Together, our organizations align objectives to focus on empowering children by facilitating educational assistance.

With a strong and committed team working tirelessly to assist those in need, Educare ensures CSR initiatives are implemented with the support of BVS sponsorship. BVS sponsorships have endowed the donation of school books, stationery, school bags, and other student necessities to over 850 children in various rural schools within Sri Lanka.
The year 2023 began with an outreach project to assist two rural schools located in the remote parts of the central highlands of Sri Lanka. Immense hardships and financial difficulties are part and parcel of their daily lives for people living in these hardship-stricken areas. Schooling is often an added burden for Parents who find it exceedingly hard to provide even the most basic of schooling needs. Working with these communities, Educare was quick to identify essential needs of stationary and books for children of these remotely located schools.
The collaborated efforts of BVS and Educare for assistance by donating schooling materials to the children of these schools are aimed at seeing long-term results that will hopefully empower the children’s future and the community.

Together with Educare, we are truly humbled and glad to be involved with such projects that synergize business outcomes and our responsibility toward a better tomorrow. BVS is a firm believer that education is the cornerstone of a better future and enrichment.
We wish the students of these schools every success as they aspire to become citizens that will set examples for others to follow.
BVS pledges its unending support for projects such as this in the future as well.